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Being people-oriented, strengthening theenterprise with integrity, sharing interests, jointly creating the glory

Aohua is an establishingpropped up by avariety of talents andAohua’s value is jointly created by its staff. Therefore,we regard our employees as the company's most valuable asset and we are willingto absorb the world's best and most promising talents, and hope that everyemployee can have a good development in the company.

As Aohuafamily is composed of individualswith lively personalities, we value andrespect people and are firmly convinced that theprogress made by individualemployee is vitally interrelated with the development of the enterprise. Aohua’svitality stems from the creativity of employees. If thestaff assiduously seeksfor success, the company will be flourishing; if the staff is keen oninnovation, the company will always keep the vitality. The company'sdevelopment needs to be driven by the strength of employees while personaldevelopment needs the company to provide opportunities and development space.Therefore, it is our pursuit to enable both thecompany and the employees tohave the best development.

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